
2 posts


Best trading experience

Hi I set this up to earn referral fees in case anyone is looking for a sign up bonus code to Quantfury. Quantfury referral code for $15-200 worth in assets : 1J984PS1 I'm using this app daily as it has the lowest spread and no fees for trading of all trading platforms I know Both You and me get a random stock or crypto asset worth 15-200$ as a sign up reward if you use my code Important! I have read that you can withdraw your sign up reward only 30 days after your account verification. So in case you only sign up for the reward, be patient and set an alarm so you dont forget to withdraw your money ;) Dä code chasch bruche zum bi Quantfury 15-200 dollares ds becho wenn di amäldisch: 1J98PS1 Eifach d belohnig no mindestens 30 täg nach erhalt uf de app phalte, vorher cha mer si no nid abhebe! Cha d Quantfury app aber au sehr empfehle zum trade, sehr simpel und effizient ufbaut. sehr schnelli kursaktualisierig und kei gebühre, nur e chline spread.

Quantfury referral codes and program details

Quantfury is a new paradigm of brokerage that guarantees its users execution of trades and/or investments for their requested size at back to back prices of global and crypto exchanges FREE of maker or taker fees, leverage fees, and any other fees, ever. Trade stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodity and stock index futures, ETFs, and forex pairs at real-time buy and sell prices of NYSE, NASDAQ, LSE, BATS Europe, NYMEX, CME, and Binance Fund your account balance in Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Qtum (QTUM), Dash (DASH), Dai (DAI), Tether (USDT Omni and Erc-20), USD Coin (USDC), TrueUSD (TUSD).

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Xmrmrx is smart! 😏

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